The Australian Music Association (AMA) and Australasian Piano Tuners & Technicians Association (APTTA) welcome the news that the Certificate IV in Piano Technology has been approved. Continue reading
Author Archives: AMA Office
Behringer Issues Scam Alert
21st December 2022
It has come to Behringer’s attention that emails and messages are being sent out to some of its followers claiming to be from the Behringer marketing department. Continue reading
African Mahogany and Padauk added to Appendix II
20th December 2022
At the CITES CoP19 in November 2022, Khaya (aka African mahogany) and Pterocarpus (aka Padauk) were added to Appendix II with Annotation #17. This is the same level of protection, with a slightly different Annotation, that currently applies to Permambuco, Indian Rosewood, and other species used in musical instruments and accessories. The AMA looked at the Khaya proposal as part of our consultation with members and the Australian Government earlier this year. Continue reading
Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave
9th December 2022
Employers with 15 or more employees (head count) need to prepare for the introduction of Paid Family & Domestic Violence Leave on 1 February 2023. This will be introduced for smaller businesses (fewer than 15 employees) on 1 August 2023. Continue reading
Government Response to the Samuel Review
8th December, 2022
The AMA supports efforts to streamline and consolidate permits for musical instruments containing CITES listed species. This is a constructive international effort to manage the regulation of endangered species and how that interacts with our industry and individual musicians. Continue reading
Major Overhaul of Environmental Law
8th December 2022
The Australian Government has released its response to the Samuel Review of the EPBC Act, a major piece of legislative reform for Australia’s central environment protection and biodiversity legislation. This development brings us one step closer to a better solution for streamlining permits for musical instruments containing endangered species. Continue reading
Changes to Victorian landlord retail leasing obligations
When entering into or renewing a retail lease, landlords must give their tenants a disclosure statement, which outlines essential lease information (e.g. lease term, occupancy costs, fit-out requirements etc.). Why? So the tenant can understand, at a glance, the key elements of the lease. Continue reading
Melbourne Guitar Show Makes Long Awaited Return
Book Your Space Now! And Join more than 50 Other Exhibitors.
The Australian Music Association is excited to announce the return of the Melbourne Guitar Show in 2023, set for Caulfield Racecourse on March 4 & 5.
The response to the return of the Melbourne Guitar Show has been very encouraging after more than three years since the last show. The whole events industry is waking up again, post-pandemic and despite weather interventions in some parts of the state, festivals and events are being well supported again. Continue reading
Final decision on Pernambuco at CITES CoP19
NSW Back to School Vouchers
November 2022
The NSW Government has announced a new voucher program for back to school expenses. Among the list of items you might expect (stationary, uniforms etc), musical instruments are specifically listed as an eligible expense and the ‘other’ retail ANZSIC that includes musical instrument retail is listed as an eligible business type. Several members have told us that the process is fairly quick and easy.