The 2017 Executive Committee was elected 29 November, 2016 at the AGM. We are happy to welcome a couple of new members, namely Edward ‘Bud’ Cole from Fender Australia and Steve Vranch from Yamaha Music. These gentlemen complete a board that has a broad representation of product categories and retailers.
In addition to Bud and Steve, your wholesaler reps are Brendan Callinan (Roland), Tony Burn (The Resource Corporation), Warrick Baker (Kawai), Damon McMahon (Shriro/Casio), Richard Snape (Hal Leonard) and your retailer reps are Craig Johnston (Keyboard Corner/KC’s Rock Shop), Daryl Horwood (Musicorp), Michael Jongebloed (Fine Music), Graham Hoskins (Concept Music) and Dom Disisto (Holden Hill Music).
The members were also advised that the committee intended to invite Mark Trask of Dynamic Music to act as an ex-officio member of the committee, with particular focus on the inaugural Sydney Drum and Percussion Show.
The minutes of the meeting with transcripts of the President’s and Treasurer’s reports will be distributed shortly and will be available on the Members Only section of the website.