1st May 2024
On 25 March 2024, the Minister for the Arts, the Hon Tony Burke MP, asked the Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts to inquire into and report on the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry. The inquiry took submissions from the public and the AMA, among many industry organisation, made a submission.
As with the National Cultural Policy and the subsequent Senate Inquiry, in which AMA gave evidence, the AMA’s comments focused on its objects to grow music making in Australia and represent the industry. Many of the AMA’s government submissions focus on particular areas of interest to our industry that few if any other organisations comment on, and the big topic of music education and participation. In this context, education is not the focus of the inquiry but the AMA has always seen a connection between the success of the industry and participation in music making, including in schools.
The proposals in the submission were (1) to Provide universal access to music education through systemic improvements to, at least, meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum: The Arts, (2) Support initiatives that facilitate and promote participation in music, including adults and children, professional and non-professional settings, (3) Provide grants for live music resources, and (4) Guarantee radiofrequency spectrum for cultural use, particularly in the 600 MHz band.