Music Education organisations have come together to welcome the findings of the Inquiry into the extent, benefits and potential of music education in Victorian schools . And, in particular, the recognition by the Victorian Parliament that, “music education should be an essential part of every young person’s education” and that “music plays and important role in learning, in personal and societal development and, as an economic contributor to this state”.
The Australian Music Association joins in requesting that the work of the Committee now be supported by the Napthine Government and that the recommendations that require some additional expenditure, including:
Supporting schools in establishing music programs (Rec 13),
Delivering professional learning teachers in both primary and secondary schools and across the state (Rec 9, 11 and 12) and;
Ensuring schools have adequate music facilities and equipment (Rec 3)
are supported with additional funding and that those funds become available as a result of the 2014 budget and be carried through for the forward estimates until at least 2018.
Collectively we call on the Victorian Education Minister, Martin Dixon and the Premier, Denis Napthine, on behalf of students, teachers and school communities to adopt these recommendations and begin to action them during the 2014 school year. Read more
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