Long time AMA member Mark Barratt and the family has recently celebrated 80 years of the business in Launceston, TAS.
Barratts Music has been in Launceston since 1937 and it is still owned by the same family, who are hopeful it might stay in the family for a fifth generation.
Owner Mark Barratt (pictured) has been the current owner since 1991, In an interview with abc.net.au recently, Mark said there had been “very little” expectation on him to take over the iconic family business.
“My father said, you do what you want to do with your life, the business is there if you want it, if you don’t want it someone else will buy it,” he said.
“I really appreciated that growing up and I did go off and do some other things before I came here.”
The industry is glad he did, and we extend our congratulations in joining an elite club.
Read the full story at abc.net.au