19th February 2024
Yamaha Music Australia has launched its 2024 support resources for music educators.
These initiatives are part of delivering Yamaha’s mission statement “To significantly contribute to increasing the quality of, and participation in, instrumental music around Australia”. The grant program will be expanded in 2024, alongside a unique range of professional development programs and events in support of music education.
These initiatives directly compliment the in-person support provided by Education Outreach clinicians, Dr. Rob McWilliams and Carly McDonald, reinforcing Yamaha Music Australia’s commitment to school and community music-making across Australia.
Great Start Grant
Since 2017, Yamaha Music Australia has awarded the annual Great Start Grant, with the goal of supporting Australian schools in need of a helping hand getting a music performance program off the ground. This grant has supported the establishment of six music programs in schools across Australia who otherwise may never have had the opportunity or resources.
In a substantial change to the program, which has been targeted at schools without an existing program, there will be up to 10 Great Start Grants this year and eligibility will be expanded to both the establishment of new programs and the growth of existing ones. Each grant is worth $3,000 value, to further improve access to, and enhance the quality of, music education in all schools.
Applications close April 14th, 2024 | READ MORE
Music Poster Pack
These posters are a useful addition to any teaching space, outlining important music theory topics for educators to refer to during classes.
After feedback from music educators across the country, this year’s Music Theory Poster Pack features some key concepts, including:
- Scales
- Intervals
- Diatonic Triads
Read more and request free posters
Yamaha Wind Orchestra Professional Development Project
The Yamaha Wind Orchestra Professional Development Project is focused on hands-on professional development, providing an opportunity for music educators to rehearse and perform in a high-level wind ensemble with their colleagues, while receiving invaluable professional development.
This year, the project takes an exciting evolution, and the ensemble will be featured as part of ANBOC 2024, hosted by ABODA Victoria, and will perform the premiere of the winning composition of the 2024 Australian National Composition Competition.
Applications close March 22nd, 2024 | Read more & apply
Breakout: Yamaha Piano Teacher Award
Each year, Yamaha celebrates 10 inspirational piano teachers for their transformative impact on students and communities.
This year ten successful piano teachers will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Yamaha Headquarters in Melbourne to participate in two days of unique, professional development with industry leading professionals in July 2024. A piano teacher must be nominated for the award to accept. The nomination can be from themselves or any other Australian resident.
Once a teacher is nominated, they will need to fill out 4 basic questions, addressing the selection criteria. Nominations for the award close 29 February 2024 and winners announced 1 April 2024.