Cert III & IV Musical Instrument Making & Repair Course Funded by State Government
The association has successfully led an industry lobby for the reinstatement of Cert III & IV qualifications in Musical Instrument Making and Repair. At the federal level , Manufacturing Skills Australia (MSA) withdrew support last year citing there was no industry demand for these qualifications nationally. Victorian based manufacturers, makers and wholesalers however, expressed grave concern at the potential loss to the industry at a meeting with federal and state government representatives. After talks with state government, NCAT and industry, MSA handed the qualification to the Higher Education and Skills Group (HESG) within the Victorian Government’s Department of Education & Training to use the musical instrument making units of competency for the purpose of developing an accredited course
Industry representatives, along with our CEO chairing the task force are working with the government to design a course that can become a national qualification and be applied to various instrument categories. The aim is to provide a broader qualification with electives in other industry segments such as brass and wind, percussion and strings which will enhance an individual’s employment opportunities within the industry.
Following submissions by the association regarding the importance of a Cert IV level qualification at minimum, the HESG agreed to fund the development of a qualification at this level.
This is great news for manufacturers, wholesalers and technicians who provide employment but also a great way for retail staff to improve their skills base and value add for employers.