Music Products Industry Statistics

Music Products Industry Statistics

The AMA produces reports based on adjusted raw data from Customs (via the Australian Bureau of Statistics), and publishes them in the Members Only area of this site. You can enquire about the availability of current or historical industry statistics by contacting us:

Annual Market Report

The report covers all available music product Categories, organised into Sections (eg. Pro Audio, Guitars, Percussion) with:

  • Executive Summary
  • Section Summaries, with Tables 1-4 (as below)
  • 10 years at a glance
    • Units, by year and section
    • Value, by year and section
    • Proportion of the Australian market, by year and section
    • All sections, calendar year vs previous year / 5 year average / 10 year average
    • All instruments, calendar year vs previous year / 5 year average / 10 year average
    • Major sources of imports (country / region)
  • Table 1: imports for calendar year vs previous year, 5 year average, 10 year average
  • Table 2: Units, Value, and Average Unit Value, over 10 years
  • Table 3: Units, by Country of Origin, over 10 years
  • Table 4: Value, by Country of Origin, over 10 years
  • Table 5: Imports, by quarter (typically Units; Value is used eg. for Accessories where Unit data are not provided)

Executive Summaries

This is the first section of the Market Report and contains the context and narrative for the year overall, and a brief description of the result in different categories.

Read the 2023 Executive Summary

Read the 2022 Executive Summary

Read the 2021 Executive Summary

Read the 2020 Executive Summary

Read the 2019 Executive Summary

Read summaries for 2014-2018

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