23rd August 2023
A recent article in The Guardian highlighted the shortage of piano tuners and technicians in Australia, which has a talented and hard working but ageing workforce. The AMA has been aware of this and looking for solutions for some time, led by members such as Yamaha and Kawai that see the need for workforce development in this area.
In 2022 a Certificate IV in Piano Technology was authorised, an important development welcomed by the AMA and APTTA. A course does need to be established to implement the Cert IV qualification, this is a major project and work is continuing on this.
The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra (TSO) and partners including the Tasmanian Music Teachers Association have recognised the shortage of qualified, professional piano tuners in southern Tasmania to service the needs of instrument owners, schools, universities, cultural venues and professional cultural organisations.
Motivated individuals are being sought to service the needs of greater Hobart and across the whole of southern Tasmania. A scholarship has been established to support two people to train (in Sydney), then operate as a Piano Tuner & Technician in Tasmania for at least 3 years.
Read more about the scholarship| Read more about the problem