The AMA is again leading an industry group working with the Department of Education and Training to complete a process of reviewing the course we fought for and retained in Victoria back in 2014, and as a result having it reaccredited by the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority. The AMA is chairing the industry working group with reps from Maton, Cole Clark and Northern College of Arts and Technology as well as the Department and is aimed at getting the industry’s confirmation that the course is meeting the its needs and is being delivered effectively.
Maton’s Patrick Evans said, “In order to meet the challenges of guitar manufacturing over the last decade and into the future, we needed a formalised, structured training program for aspiring guitar makers. Prior to the establishment of the Cert III & IV courses at NCAT no such training was available. Over 50% of our production staff are graduates of this program. Our current success in local overseas markets owes much to the quality and commitment of our graduates from NCAT. A skilled and motivated workforce is essential to success in today’s market and the program at NCAT helps us achieve just that”.
Miles Jackson added “around half of our staff came through NCAT. These staff are passionate guitar builders who know what they’ve signed up for. This has helped change the general attitude in the factory to a group of artisans who want to create something special”
“We have every reason to believe that the course will gain reaccreditation when due at the end of the year” said the AMA’s Rob Walker. As can be seen above our industry is having its needs met with the skills being taught in the course. It’s graduates can also add skills to retail repair services as well as add to our impressive society of luthiers.
The initial meeting of the group revealed that the course had been operating well and a few minor tweaks were recommended in the name of efficiencies of course delivery.
The next meeting of the task force will be held in April with government officials.