Author Archives: Alex Masso

Cultural Tax Reform Summit in NSW

12th December 2024

NSW Minister for Music and the Arts, John Graham, has announced a ‘tax summit’ focused on the ‘arts and creative industries’. The Cultural Tax Reform Summit will look at taxation on major prizes such as the Archibald Prize, and proposals from APRA AMCOS for a tax rebate for live music, and from Live Performance Australia to develop tax incentives for live music and theatre productions.    Continue reading

New Occupation Codes

The ABS has released its replacement to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), now known as the Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA). The major change appears to be largely be driven but the discontinuation of cooperation with New Zealand, but there are changes to occupations, codes, terminology and language, and some of the structure of the codes. Continue reading